ProMAC 2019

Presentation Guidelines

The following information is reference from ProMAC2018. The formal guideline for ProMAC2019 will be provided based on the condition of conference venue.

Breakout Session Overview

All breakout sessions take place at Novotel Yangon MAX, Yangon, Myanmar. Please check the ProMAC 2019 program for specific room and time assignments.
Oral sessions consist of four presentations, and each presentation is 20 minutes long including QA time.
[Note] All Presenters and Session Chairs must register for the ProMAC 2019 in advance.


Oral Session Speaker Guidelines


If you are presenting a paper, please follow the guidelines below:

  • You should prepare your presentation material in English and all sessions will be carried out in English.
  • Presentation material needs to be prepared in Microsoft PowerPoint 2016.
    • If you want to use other versions or other software, you should convert it to Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 or 2007 format yourself.
    • You can also use PDF Current file for your presentation.
    • You can use Media Player and Audio Speaker for using videos & sounds in your presentation.
  • You can distribute material related to your presentation, unless you do your business. If you need more information, please contact a ProMAC conference staff.
    1. You should be in the appropriate room before the time the session will be started.
    2. Introducing yourself to your session chair, and provide him/her with a brief background statement that he/she can use in introducing you to the audience.
    3. Each speaker will have 20 minutes to give their presentation including 5 minutes for question from the audience and answer time.
    [Note] All presenters prepare to display the session material on a screen within each given presentation time.


Oral Session Chair Guidelines


If you are chairing a session, please follow the guidelines below:

  • All chairs need to prepare a watch yourself.
    1. Ensuring all speakers is present at their respective sessions.
    2. Introducing a speaker and his/her paper to the audience.
    3. Ensuring that speakers and sessions start and finish on time. (Each presentation is 20 minutes long including QA time.)
    4. Coordinating session questions and answers time.
    5. Please hand him/her the certification of presentation on ProMAC.
    6. Closing the breakout session after completion of all presentations.
    [Note] Please receive the certifications for each presenter from a ProMAC staff in the session room in advance.


Session Room Equipment


Each session room is equipped with a computer, a projector and a screen. The computer has Windows 10 Pro, Chrome, MS Office  2016 which is compatible with MS Office 2007 and MS Office 2010.  Also, the computer supports USB 2.0 & 3.0 ports. 


You can use your own computer to give a presentation or bring your final presentation file on a USB memory stick to use the computer provided in the room.


The room projector supports HDMI and VGA-DSUB ports only. If your computer or device is Mac, iPhone, or other which has micro HDMI port or the other port, you need to bring an adapter to convert it to HDMI or VGA.


If you want to use a pointer, please prepare it yourself.
[Note] Some computers will be prepared for checking your presentation material in advance. It will be set up near the ProMAC registration desk.