ProMAC 2024

Keynote Speakers

Keynote 1

Space systems: the uniqueness and challenges from a project management perspective

Mr. Hiroaki Miyoshi

NEC Corporation, Fellow



Space systems are expected to grow into a trillion-dollar market beyond the 2030s.

This is an area that deals with large-scale complex hardware such as satellites and rockets, and the importance of project management is unquestionable.

However, the peculiarities of the nature of its problem-solving space and the unique challenges toward the projects’ success are not widely understood, even among experienced project management professionals.

This presentation draws on the author’s 15 years of experience managing large-scale ICT projects that create social values from space data systems. It explores the uniqueness and challenges of project management in the field of space systems.


Keynote 2

Orchestrating Digital Transformation: Insights from Education, Public and Private Sectors

Dr. Jesus Martinez Almela

Dr. Supot Tiarawut

Executive Director and Secretary of Technology Promotion Association (Thailand-Japan)



Digital transformation (DX) is now one of the most common strategic objectives of any organization, whether in the public or private sectors. The common objectives of DX efforts are benefits gained in 3 areas: enhancing customer experiences (CX), improving operational efficiency (OE), and creating new business models (NB). Each organization must envision the target result of DX efforts which aligned with its business objectives.


DX is a journey, not a one-time off event, and the focus must be on business transformation rather than technology.  Besides, the responsibility in driving digital transformation to success cannot be simply entrusted on the IT department or technical unit of the organization. The challenges of digital transformation grow with the complexity of organizations especially in government sector with large number of civil servants and complicated rules and regulations in place.  To overcome these challenges, leadership must consider three aspects for orchestrating DX in large organizations.


First, clear vision must be established and communicated throughout the organization. Meanwhile, segmentation of target organizational units must be done together with corresponding strategy for each group. Secondly, structural changes and support must be implemented on People, Process, and Technology, which are three key success factors for DX. Finally, creating a collaboration platform between public, private and people or citizen is a sustainable solution for aligning government missions with public interests while utilizing the agility of private sector in mobilizing resources and implementing new and innovative initiatives.


In this keynote speech, insights from driving digital transformation at institutes of higher education and the whole government of Thailand are highlighted. Collaboration with private sectors is also emphasized as a key driving force towards effective transformation journey.